Uncategorized - Yatan NGO https://yatan.org NGO working for children's education and health across India Wed, 20 Nov 2024 17:37:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://yatan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cropped-512X512_YATAN_LOGO-2-32x32.webp Uncategorized - Yatan NGO https://yatan.org 32 32 Happy Diwali to all https://yatan.org/happy-diwali-to-all/ https://yatan.org/happy-diwali-to-all/#respond Wed, 20 Nov 2024 17:37:14 +0000 https://yatan.org/?p=8157 We shall take this opportunity to wish all happy diwali

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We shall take this opportunity to wish all happy diwali

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Mother’s Day celebrations at Yatan https://yatan.org/mothers-day-celebrations-at-yatan/ https://yatan.org/mothers-day-celebrations-at-yatan/#respond Thu, 16 May 2024 14:42:44 +0000 https://yatan.org/?p=8068 Our work at Yatan mainly involves children and hence Mother’s Day celebrations at Yatan is a big event. We had […]

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Our work at Yatan mainly involves children and hence Mother’s Day celebrations at Yatan is a big event. We had lined up an interesting activity this year.

Bond between a mother and child

The bond between a mother and her child is profound and primal, an invisible cord of unconditional love and unwavering support. It begins with a heartbeat, grows with a smile, and is sealed with countless shared moments. This relationship is a foundational force, shaping the child’s view of the world and themselves, offering comfort, guidance, and strength throughout life’s journey.

Our teachers and students

The bond between teachers of underprivileged children and their students is often characterised by deep empathy, resilience, and a profound commitment to making a difference. These educators see beyond the immediate challenges to foster hope and opportunity in young lives that society often overlooks. They not only impart knowledge but also serve as mentors, advocates, and sometimes even surrogate family members, nurturing their students’ potential against all odds. This relationship is a testament to the transformative power of education and the belief that every child deserves a chance to succeed.

Mother’s Day celebrations at Yatan

We celebrated Mother’s Day at Yatan by an activity followed by cake and snacks. The activity was card making.

History of Mother’s Day

The credit of recognising Mother’s Day formally as well as a holiday goes to Ann Jarvis who began with setting up a committee for an event titled “Mother’s Friendship Day” way back in 1868. There were similar movements in other parts of America centered around representation of women, especially mothers. Later her daughter, Anna Jarvis in 1905 started observing a dedicated Mother’s Day at the church and within a few years it was widely celebrated in Philadelphia. She also campaigned for declaring this day a National Holiday as well as international holiday too.

A lot of care was taken to get the word correct “Mother’s Day” with an intention of not making it plural.

In the 16th Century churches began observing a Mothering Sunday in England. It was observed on the fourth Sunday of Lent. People left wild flowers inside the church to be presented to their mothers. Even though it was a Sunday, efforts were made to send everyone home so that they can spend time with their families.

There are traces in history that ancient Romans and Geeks also had festivals celebrating mother goddess.

In our ancient culture, Durga is associated with strength, protection and motherhood. She is a manifest of the female form of Vishnu, the representation of his power. Yogamaya is the eight child of Vasudev and Devaki. When Kamsa tries to kills her, she manifests as Durga announcing the prophecy of his death. Out of all the shakti peethas, Vindhyavasini Temple at Vindhyachal is the most prominent and revered. The origin of Durga can be traced back to the Vedas and ancient Indian Civilisation.

Glimpses of Mother’s Day Celebrations at Yatan

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The joy of recycling flowers https://yatan.org/the-joy-of-recycling-flowers/ https://yatan.org/the-joy-of-recycling-flowers/#respond Thu, 09 May 2024 20:02:17 +0000 https://yatan.org/?p=8054 Flowers play an important role in Indian culture. There is no event or occasion which does not happen without the […]

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Flowers play an important role in Indian culture. There is no event or occasion which does not happen without the presence of flowers. Looking objectively flowers are perhaps the best way towards an organic celebration. They are bio degradable, easy to grow and transport and available in the widest range of colours nature can offer. Flowers provide considerable income opportunities to the famers who grow them and the supply chain who bring them to the city markets. However the story of a flower has much more to offer.

How we got the idea of recycling flowers

One of our volunteers suggested the idea of recycling flowers. We researched on the internet and did our first trial four years back using a DIY video as a reference. We used flowers to create organic colours for use during holi.

Once we were confident on the process, we began looking for sources. We coordinated with a few temples in the vicinity to get fresh flowers every afternoon and left the flowers to dry. We also have a tie up with a community centre who provide us with flowers in the morning after the wedding rituals are completed the previous evening.

Once the flowers are received we segregate it visually to remove the damaged petals to maintain the overall colour profile. Petals are removed carefully and allowed to fully dry. Washing and drying is not done so that the process does not use water and electricity. Dried petals are collected and grind into a powder. Care is taken that no contact with water is made at any time. In the end, the dried powder is packed and ready for sale.

The colours in demand

The most common colour used is gulal or red. This can be created by using rose petals or hibiscus petals. Orange is again an easy colour using marigold which is very commonly used in temples as well as weddings. Finally the green leaves are used to create natural green colour.

Red and orange can be mixed to obtain an even intense red called Vermillion which is again a popular colour in India. We also get enough of white petals from various wedding flowers to get a neutral white powder.

Our process of making colours is fully organic and most of the work is done by hand. We have a loyal customer base who support our cause by regularly purchasing organic colours. We are more than delighted to work our bit for the environment.

Are there any other products possible other than organic color’s? Wait for the next article to know.

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You would be surprised on the extent of cloth recycling ideas https://yatan.org/you-would-be-surprised-on-the-extent-of-cloth-recycling-ideas/ https://yatan.org/you-would-be-surprised-on-the-extent-of-cloth-recycling-ideas/#respond Wed, 08 May 2024 23:00:59 +0000 https://yatan.org/?p=8051 India has a formidable textile industry with an equally robust market. Any festive season is accompanied by clothes shopping for […]

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India has a formidable textile industry with an equally robust market. Any festive season is accompanied by clothes shopping for the entire family. But what happens to the old clothes. They are not thrown in the garbage bins. We Indians either donate or recycle clothes.

How we recycle at Yatan

We at Yatan receive clothes donation all year long. First we segregate clothes as per their condition. Quite a few of them are as good as condition to wear. Some clothes which have a few defects can be transformed into clothes of smaller size.

If the clothes are not fit enough to wear we create cloth bags out of them. We have experimented with other ideas like door mat or pillow covers.

The last lot which remains is the cloth that cannot be used for any purpose so we utilise it for making the inner lining of a stray dog shelter. We also make blankets, pillows and beds for the stray dogs using these. Also these can be stitched into clothes for the stray dogs to protect them during winters.

Whatever the clothes, whatever we get, we make sure that they are properly utilized by the most interesting recycling ideas.

Do you have a recycling idea to share?

Yatan is always looking for ideas and volunteers. If you believe in our cause, you can make a difference. There are a whole lot of skills which can be imparted to children. Your efforts will change lives.

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