Republic Day Celebrations at Yatan NGO

Republic Day is one of the most important and momentous occasion for India and we decided to celebrate it with lots of activities. We had primarily focused on two activities, one were stage events and the other was poster making.

Song and dance numbers were all with patriotic songs and the excitement was visible. Both the performers and audience enjoyed this day.

History of the Republic Day of India

On the day, India adopted the Constitution and became a Republic. That was in the year 1950. The date of 26 Jan was chosen to coincide with the day when in 1930, Indian National Congress declared Purna Swaraj.

India got freedom from the British Rule on 15 Aug 1947. The country was that time governed by the Constituent Assembly whose first task was the draft the Constitution for the people of India. A seven member standing committee under the leadership of Dr BR Ambedkar was constituted on 29 Aug 1947. The first draft was submitted to the Constituent Assembly on 4th Nov 1948. That was a remarkable achievement of the seven people because in just two months they had created the most important document which will shape the future of India for generations to come.

However the constituent assembly took one whole year to debate over the provisions of the constitution. That is what paved way for the constitution to be formally recognised on 26th Jan 1950.

The next important task for the Constituent Assembly was to conduct the First General Elections. Between 25 Oct 1951 to 21 Feb 1952, voters of India elected 489 public representatives to the Lok Sabha. All adults above the age of 21 were eligible for voting including women. Since there were entire stretches where people could not read or write, the party symbol achieved great importance and it hold good even today.

The major highlight of Republic Day is the Parade on Kartavya Path. The first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad presided over the parade on 26 Jan 1950.

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